S Pass Cancellation Services

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As an employer in Singapore, effective management of your foreign workforce is essential, especially regarding S Pass Cancellation. WORKPASS PTE LTD offers expert guidance to help you navigate the  S Pass cancellation process smoothly. Our team ensures compliance with Ministry of Manpower (MOM) regulations, helping you avoid costly mistakes and legal issues. Trust us to assist you in streamlining your workforce management and maintaining your company’s good standing with authorities.

Why Choose Us?

  • Expert Guidance: Benefit from our deep understanding of Singapore’s regulatory requirements.
  • Efficient Processes: Streamline your operations with our hassle-free cancellation services.
  • Compliance Assurance: Ensure adherence to all legal obligations and avoid potential penalties.

S Pass Cancellation Fee

Fee $30
  • EP Online filing of S Pass Cancellation
  • No cost if S Pass application / renewal is done by us

Why Cancel a S Pass?

There are specific instances when employers must cancel an S Pass. It is important to ensure the cancellation is done on time to avoid penalties or disruptions in your company’s operations. You are required to cancel an S Pass if:

  • The employee resigns or ends their employment contract.
  • The employee is terminated or dismissed.
  • The employee’s work pass is expiring, and no renewal is planned.
  • Your business is closing down or relocating.
  • The employee is switching to a different work pass type (e.g., Employment Pass, or Work Permit).

Failing to cancel the S Pass in any of these circumstances could result in legal implications for your business.

When to Cancel an S Pass?

S Pass Cancellation, you must cancel an S Pass if the pass holder no longer works for you.

  • When to cancel the pass: Within 1 week after the last day of notice.
  • You can submit a cancellation request up to 14 days in advance. (E.g. If you want the pass to be cancelled on 15 February, you can submit the request from 1 February.)
    If the pass holder becomes a Singapore permanent resident, you don’t need to cancel the pass. It will be cancelled automatically.
  • Who can cancel: WorkPass Pte Ltd – Your Appointed MOM Licensed Employment Agency 
  • How long it takes: Cancellation is immediate, unless you are submitting an advance cancellation request.   
  • When levy stops: 1 day before cancellation


  • If the pass holder has left Singapore permanently, you must cancel the S Pass within 1 week from the departure date, unless it has expired. 
  • Once the S Pass is cancelled, all the related Dependant’s Passes, Long-Term Visit Passes and Work Permits for the family will also be cancelled.

Before Cancelling

You need to:

  1. Give reasonable notice of the pass holder’s repatriation.
  2. Seek tax clearance from the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS).
  3. Settle all outstanding employment issues that the pass holder may raise, including salary payment.
  4. Buy an air ticket and pay for any connecting transport costs to the international port of entry in your pass holder’s home country/region nearest to their hometown, unless the pass holder agrees in writing to bear the cost.


  • If the S pass holder has left Singapore permanently, you must cancel the S Pass within 1 week from the departure date, unless it has expired. 

What Happens After S Pass Cancellation?

Once you cancel an S Pass, the employee will be issued a 30-day Short-Term Visit Pass (STVP) to make arrangements for departure from Singapore. This STVP allows them to stay in Singapore temporarily, but they cannot continue working. If the employee plans to transition to a new job with a different employer, the new employer must apply for a fresh work pass before the STVP expires.

Assistance with S Pass Cancellation

At WORKPASS PTE LTD, we provide seamless assistance in managing your S Pass Cancellation process. Our team ensures compliance with MOM regulations and handles all necessary documentation on your behalf. We make the process hassle-free so you can focus on your business.

For more information or to request assistance with cancelling a Work Permit, contact WORKPASS PTE LTD today!