Jobs Situation Report 18th Edition

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18TH Edition

(19 February 2021)

Career matching helped 25,000 land new jobs

Many programmes in place to overcome challenges in job search

            The 18th Jobs Situation Report focuses on the avenues put in place by WSG and NTUC‘s e2i to help jobseekers overcome job search barriers and access opportunities.

Ramping Up Efforts to Match Singaporeans to Jobs

2. The Government’s key priority remains to help Singaporeans stay in jobs or access new jobs. In support of the SGUnited Jobs and Skills Package, Workforce Singapore (WSG) and NTUC’s Employment and Employability Institute (e2i) have ramped up outreach to strengthen ground presence so that jobseekers are aware of the avenues available. We also multiplied those channels to enhance access to Career Matching Services.

Summary of WSG’s and NTUC’s e2i job matching efforts in 2020



Compared with 2019


  • Virtual Career Fairs
  • Physical Career Fairs
  • Virtual Job Interviews
  • Walk-in Interviews
  • SGUnited Info Kiosks
  • NTUC Job Security Council Job Stations
  • Careers Connect On-the-Go

>1,300 events organised to bring career matching services closer to jobseekers in the heartlands.

~40% increase

Individualised Career Coaching

~34,000 jobseekers benefited; 2 in 3 are PMETs.

~15% increase

Placements through Career Matching Services

~25,000 jobseekers found new jobs; 6 in 10 are PMETs.

~25% increase

Ramping up of career conversion programmes

>13,000 individuals placed.

>100% increase

3. The significant increase in placements demonstrate the impact of WSG’s and NTUC’s e2i’s concerted outreach efforts and enhanced services. WSG and NTUC’s e2i also provided stronger support to individuals who have been harder to place. Of the 34,000 who received coaching:

    a. 8 in 10 were unemployed;

    b. 6 in 10 are aged 40 and above; and

    c. 4 in 10 had been searching for jobs for at least 6 months

4. In the past few years, about 6 in 10 jobseekers who registered for individualised career coaching find jobs within six months. However, due to job search barriers, some jobseekers take longer.

5. WSG works with employers to expand their pool of talent by shifting from a “plug-and-play” recruitment approach to proactively considering job applicants with transferable skills.  We also work with jobseekers to expand their options by adjusting mindsets and taking on skills development opportunities.

6. Based on empirical data, this edition of the JSR highlights the top five challenges faced by jobseekers and how we help. In a future edition of the JSR, we will highlight the key challenges for employers.

Top Five Challenges for Jobseekers

 (a) Emotional Barriers

7. This applies more to jobseekers who may have been unemployed for longer. Often, the job loss had been sudden, and they had focussed on returning to previous job roles.

How WSG and NTUC’s e2i help

Career Recharger – A workshop that helps individuals understand and overcome their stressors using effective coping strategies and to stay motivated through their job search.

Career Coaching – Career Coaches at times double up as cheerleaders as well, to support and help guide jobseekers in better managing their emotions. On average, these jobseekers need up to 15 hours of coaching.

e2i’s Employability Camp – Supports non-PMETs to adopt a growth mindset in today’s volatile and uncertain world, and by learning to display resilience despite setbacks.

e2i’s Career Resilience Executive Workshop (CREW) – Geared towards encouraging PMETs to develop a resilient and adaptable mindset, gain confidence in job search and acquire the strength to manage change.

(b) Gaps in Job Skills

8. As roles become more specialised and industries undergo digital transformation, bridging skills has gained importance. Jobseekers’ current skillsets may not be sufficient to meet employers’ expectations and the demands of new roles.

How WSG and NTUC’s e2i help

Career Catalyst – This is a personalised 1-1 career coaching programme to help individuals identify their skills gaps, career goals and transferrable skills by discovering their Values, Interests, Personality and Skills (VIPS) and developing their customised job search plan.

Career Conversion Programmes (CCP) – These are programmes that equip jobseekers and workers with new skills to help them move into new occupations or sectors that have good prospects and opportunities for progression. In 2020, more than 4,700 individuals made career switches into new jobs through CCP. WSG and NTUC’s e2i will continue working with the sector agencies and companies to further ramp up and mount new programmes in 2021 to help jobseekers reskill and enter jobs in growth areas, such as InfoComm Technology & Media, Professional Services, Energy & Chemicals and Healthcare.

e2i’s Career Navigator – This workshop supports jobseekers to leverage the personality assessment tools and interpret as well as integrate their results with their career goals.

e2i’s Employability Camp – Helps non-PMETs to gain awareness of current labour market information and trends in hiring.

(c) Discomfort with New Work Conditions

9. Jobseekers may turn down job offers because of unfamiliarity or lack of confidence that they can adapt successfully.

How WSG and NTUC’s e2i help

Career Activator – This programme offers participating jobseekers a sneak peek into their potential workplace as well as opportunities to attend job interviews. Six such sessions were organised to employers such as Certis Group and Tan Tock Seng Hospital in 2020.

Career Trial – This programme offers jobseekers with short-term trial to increase their employability and assess their fit with the job requirement and company culture, whilst gaining useful relevant work experience.


(d) Outdated Job Search Techniques

10. Some jobseekers, especially those who have been working in the same job for years, may be out of touch with the job search process. Sending out large numbers of applications using a template resume no longer works as well today as more recruiters tap on the latest HR technologies in their recruitment process.

How WSG and NTUC’s e2i help

Career Energiser – This is a workshop series to help jobseekers upgrade their job search techniques, including personal branding, resume writing and interview prep, to help improve their application outcomes.

Career Workshops and Seminars – These are weekly public sessions conducted by professional trainers to help jobseekers build up the soft skills to more effectively conduct their job search. Topics include career skills, workplace skills, life skills (e.g. how to build resilience) and job search techniques. Through these sessions, jobseekers can also expand professional networks which can lead them to the next step in their career.

e2i’s Job Hunting Online – This is targeted to equip non-PMETs job seekers to search and apply for jobs online and includes basic resume writing and interview skills, and quick tips on usage of virtual interview platforms.

e2i’s Win the Job! Series – This is a series of three workshops, namely Win the SearchWin the Interview and Win the Salary Negotiation! Through this series, PMETs take away salient points of effective resume writing, interview preparation and negotiating a job package. One-to-one consultations and role-plays during the workshop provide PMETs further necessary assistance.


(e) Limited Networks

11. Networks have proven to be one of the more effective ways to land jobs, as the recommendations and referrals could help push jobseekers to the top of the list for recruiters’ consideration and open doors. However, some jobseekers have limited networks, especially those who have been in the same job or sector but are looking to move into new areas.

How WSG and NTUC’s e2i help

Career360 – This programme comprises a series of hands-on workshops, industry-related talks and networking sessions with employers. Individuals will have the opportunity to establish professional relationships and network with professionals within the community, including hiring employers.Ten such sessions were organised in 2020.

e2i’s Network to Success – Through this workshop, PMETs will pick up networking skills to better enhance their employment opportunities. They will learn how to tap on their current network, open new avenues and leverage platforms to connect with potential employers. PMETs will learn to boost their personal brand by positioning themselves right and building positive working relationships.

e2i’s Industry Dialogue Sessions – Industry dialogue and networking sessions organised to bring in employers to share insights on the changing industry landscape, what employers are looking for when hiring and how to tap on job and training opportunities and leverage SGUnited Jobs & Skills support schemes.


Additional support for the retrenched

12. The Taskforce for Responsible Retrenchment and Employment reached out to all retrenched locals in 2020 whose contact details were available. About 3 in 10 took up offers of career matching services. Those who did not take up are either searching for jobs on their own or plan to take a break from employment. 

13. WSG and NTUC’s e2i provide retrenched workers with career resources such as:

    a. Career preparatory videos and articles for individuals who can self-help and restart the job search process

    b. Monthly electronic direct mailers (eDMs) to receive regular updates on career matching activities like virtual career fairs, workshops and seminars

    c. Information blasted through the SGUnited Jobs Telegram Channel or NTUC’s Job Security Council’s Jobs Alert Telegram Channel.

14. 34-year-old Joseph Tom was retrenched at the start of the pandemic. After 7 months of fruitless search, he approached WSG for assistance in Oct 2020 and was matched with Christina Lee, a career coach at one of WSG’s Career Matching Providers, Ingeus. Christina walked the entire journey with him, from helping him boost his LinkedIn profile and resume, to coaching him for interviews, to sending him job opportunities that are suited to his profile, to regularly checking in on him and motivating him. Joseph eventually landed a job as Director of Business Development at Mastercard in Nov 2020. Even after landing the offer, Christina kept in close contact with Joseph and helped him prepare for salary negotiation as well as understand specific terms in the job contract.

15. While job matching does not happen overnight, we encourage jobseekers who are open to switching into new job roles to contact WSG or NTUC’s e2i early. Due to the global pandemic situation, finding a suitable job remains challenging. We are committed to supporting all jobseekers in finding new pathways to career growth.

For more information

16. To find out more about:

    a. Immediate job opportunities visit 

    b. WSG’s programmes and career advisory and matching services, please visit (QR code below) or call WSG’s hotline at 6883 5885.

    c. e2i’s career coaching and job matching services, please visit or call e2i’s hotline at 6474 0606 to book an appointment to meet a career coach

    d. Upcoming engagement and outreach events organised by WSG and NTUC’s e2i, jobseekers can visit or


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